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Debate Score:19
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 we should ban online games (16)

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haypers(15) pic

we should ban online games

online games are bad.
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3 points

No. If you can't handle the game because it makes you feel bad then don't play it. Just because you get no enjoyment from it doesn't mean others don't.

haypers(15) Disputed
1 point

sorry, me and my friend are just debating here for fun. i will take this topic down soon, and we both like online games. we are just fooling around.

haypers(15) Disputed
1 point

well crap, i actually got a real debater. me and my friend are just debating for fun. we both like online games, so ya, sorry

Callisto(5) Clarified
1 point

Don't worry about it, if you are a gamer you might like Warframe. Totally great movement control.

2 points

The only real difference between an online game and an in person game is online the meek have a chance of actually winning, whereas face to face they'd either get stomped or would shy away from playing the game at all.

There's no need to ban that.

You're better off simply making sure you have the right balance in your own life.

haypers(15) Clarified
0 points

sorry, me and my friend are just debating here for fun. i will take this topic down soon, and we both like online games. we are just fooling around.

ShadowsStrid Clarified
1 point

Prove it homie, prove it. Prove that I am joking on this matter

1 point

OK, have your fun. Sorry, I didn't think I sounded so harsh but maybe I did.

1 point

i think online games are bad because it makes people feel raged for not winning and people never get better at any thing and it make you vilent and it make people rich and it is bad and terrible and aufle and anfa;lkjn

1 point

it makes you violent and ragged. i dont want to see that, so do me a favor and keep cool and dont play online games

0 points

i never feel good after a game online, so there is enough proof to say that online games make you mad. Also if you dont feel this way, you are a mutent.

ShadowsStrid Disputed
1 point

So what you are saying is that it is bad because it makes people angry? So I believe that you are doing a hasty generalization of gamers. And you are also hastily generalizing the people who make money off of online video games. Just because EA has an overall bad opinion in the gaming community, does not make all video game companies bad.

haypers(15) Disputed
0 points

yes. and no. money is used to purchas things that can be harmfull. harmfull things hurt people, and when people are hurt, the world is mad at what hurt it. so the world is mad at online gaming. you are a mutent because you dissagree

haypers(15) Disputed
0 points

when you sold your soul to satin, did he show or read to you the fine print? it says that not agreeing to people who are right will forfit your diry money. so becarfule what you say because it may be the end of your bottomless walet

1 point

You really want to ban this website that bad?
