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 what do you think of the people who keeps crying for every small reason (4)

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ANJ2kill(304) pic

what do you think of the people who keeps crying for every small reason

'coz they dont know anything except crying

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Well, one thing is certain...they have problems of universal proportions if they cry over every little thing. It also depends on the age. I know that sounds silly but it's true. During puberty, for instance, things hit you like a ton of bricks that would otherwise not faze you as an adult.

1 point

Spoilt teenage cunts. Especially americunts..

I hate these rich kids who have everything and start talking about the unfairness and injustices people do to each other even though they're unintentionally part of the problem. I hate f*cking spoilt people and in my standards most people in this side of the planet are spoilt.

1 point

It's very stupid, I'm fourteen and I haven't cried in three years. I can't stand it when children as privledged as I am whine and cry about stupid crap.

They can be obnoxious with all that crying, yet, I can't shun them.