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 who have brought more happiness to the world, the dog or the human? (8)

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mantong(5) pic

who have brought more happiness to the world, the dog or the human?


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2 points

I would have to choose Dog.

Dogs have been a good friend, a close family, and a delicious meal.

They have sacrificed themselves for other species, whereas humans only care about themselves. We use other species as a resource. There are few animals that has become endangered because of human being.

1 point

Through our perception it would be the dog, us humans have been a plague to ourselves since we got here. No peace ever; yet we don't have wars with dogs. It makes me happy there is a fellow animal that i don't have to constantly battle with.

1 point

Oh cute, a down vote without someone leaving a dispute explaining why they disagree. -.-

1 point

It was DebateKing that down-voted... you can check his reward points

1 point

Dogs have been suppressing cats and mice for centuries!

1 point

I'm happy that I'm healthy, that I have an apartment, that I eat delicious food... You know... Human stuff.

1 point

Well, I do believe that both have different energies... the dog will love you forever even if you give out to them for maybe doing something they shouldn't have, but the human can tell others how they feel and we can help to make us feel better..I personally believe that we have both brought equal happiness to the world.

0 points

I believe humans have brought more happiness because of the achievements that we have done for this world and that we contributed to it. What has dogs done for us? Nothing they are only house pets who just live like they are suppose to.