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 who is the most popular in wwe? (3)

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bishesh(23) pic

who is the most popular in wwe?

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1 point

Sorry I haven't paid much attention to WWE these days so wouldn't be able to answer

1 point

John Cena. I am not a cena fan he just is. He has been the face of wwe for about eight years he has been at every wrestlemania from 20-28 and he won a lot of them and nearly all were title matches

Right now? They don't really have a lead face. Cena started getting boos like, what, a couple of years ago? CM Punk was the face, but now WWE's turned him into a cowardly heel, which will probably destroy his career.

Then again, I haven't watched it in a couple of weeks, tell me when they have a strong lead for the company.