
Debate Info

spiderman, he's too quick wolverine, he heals
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 wolverine, he heals (3)

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who would win in a deathmatch? wolverine or spiderman

spiderman, he's too quick

Side Score: 0

wolverine, he heals

Side Score: 4
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Spiderman can die, but Wolverine can't, simple as that.-----------------------

Side: wolverine, he heals
1 point

It would have to be a death match where they can't just run away, like in a cage or something. In that case eventually wolverine would get his claws on spiderman and that would be it. Otherwise wolverine couldn't catch spiderman in a million years.

Side: wolverine, he heals
1 point

I do agree that Wolverine would win , cause he has an overpowered healing factor . Spider-Man would most certainly not make it easy . Believe it or not Spider-Man is stronger and faster so he could dodge most of Wolverine's attacks and dish out some serious pain . But the adamantium would prevent him from doing any serious damage . Wolverine , however would need to hit Spider-Man and even if he did it wouldn't do as much as much as you might think . Overall Wolverine would win but it would be an epic fight .

Side: wolverine, he heals