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RSS 20221428

Reward Points:1
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

1. yea.. if you sit 2 inches away

2. okay... fair

3. not exactly because people like me, don't remember spelling from reading

4. how... your not righting when reading

5. this isn't helpful for all people.. some people don't learn that way.. i have to right things by remembering

plus while watching TV you can do something else simultaneously

2 points

tv and books can promote sex and drugs. It just depends on rating or classification

1 point

Lmfao..... it's so true though fam.... like.. whats the point when we can watch it

1 point

Honestly I think it's very hard to tell which way it could go. I think there are positives and negatives to both sides. Pro- we wouldn't have taxes. Con- we would have no currency leading to fights over supplies. Pro- with no currency there are no social classes. Con- we wouldn't have qualifications for jobs, leading to people not knowing how to do important jobs. Overall, there are both good and bad sides.

1 point

While you have very valid points, if we had no currency how can we get things we need. Life would be a free for all. People would be rioting left and right trying to get food and supplies. The point of local is very true, but what about foods and materials that aren't local? How are we gonna transport them in a good and efficient way? Plus, how can we rely on each other, when we have a government and already have people betraying each other. How can we trust and rely on people without a government, when we can't even trust them in one?

1 point

Of cource government is important. Think about it, with no government what would we have. We would have so much less then we do now. We would have no way of trading with other countries. Plus would people really be cut out for jobs? If theres no government, there is now law... so people wouldn't have to go to school to get the right degree's for jobs. Over all, we would fall apart without a government.

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