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RSS 660Rroostin

Reward Points:2
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2 points

Motocross, for me, is so much more entertaining to watch. Also, it is way more physically demanding. I dont even race, but i did play football and i do ride quads, bikes, snowmobiles and i can tell you that motocross takes so much more endurance, strentgh, and balls to do. Anyone can learn to play football. It takes true passion to race motocross because every rider out there knows that their chance of going pro is slim to none. And if you do go pro, then you will be invested about $600,000-700,000 into the sport. The bike, the mods, you NEED a motorhome, gas, parts, the race, boken bones, the motorhome. All of this adds up fast. Plus, riding a bike the way they do around a track like that is insane. Football players wouldnt even walk on the trck let alone drive a 250 lb racing machine over it. You are working a clutch, shifting your weight, judging your speed, planing 1 turn ahead and your next move. If you watch the pros, they make it look easy. But people are paralyzed in this sport. You hardly ever hear of someone paralyzed for life in football, because the risks are lower. In motocross, it happens quite often. Caleb Moore, X-Games snowmobile racer just DIED. He will never be seen again, but he died doing something that only about 150 people can do in the world, and it is what he lived for and what he loved. My vote, hands down, goes to motocross.

3 points

I dont race, first of all. I have played football. I can end this whole arguement by saying that motocross is by far a more challenging sport. I do ride, on trail. I do drag race. I wouldnt even want to race on a track. The level of danger there is on that track during a race is FAR BEYOND any other sport. There are so many variables. The Bike, the rider, other bikes, other riders, your condition, track condition, weather, temperature. Plus, if you put a football player on a bike for the first time, they wouldnt even know were to begin. They wouldnt know how to shift. A MX racer had to learn how to use a clutch. And now, that is the easiest thing to him about racing, were a football player would be in a whole other world. Trust me, if motocross was easy, everyone would do it, because flying through the air with that machine and passing up someone faster than you on a track is about the best feeling in the world.

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