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RSS AbirAlabani

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
AbirAlabani(7) Clarified
0 points

Firstly, I totally disagree with your powerless reasons!

The reason behind the question is trying to clarify that Islam is a peaceful religion, since the media nowadays does nothing but destroying the meaning of Islam and only judge Islam ( a whole religion ) by the actions of individuals!

Despite your low level of convincing, I will do my best to show you what Islam really is.

Islam is registered as the fastest grown religion, as people nowadays are getting more educated and more open-minded!

Islam has come with evidences that can be understood by all mentalities! It has come with scientific, social, and emotional evidences! Never has any religion come with such powerful clues except Islam.

It's clearly mentioned that after Jesus will come a Prophet called Muhammad, yet nobody still believes!

Islam has come with clues that are related to science 1400 years ago which have been discovered by scientists lately!

Islam has come with peaceful and respectful laws that many countries nowadays use such as " The Jury law " in courts!

Islam has clarified that all the people are the same and we must treat everybody equally, when a vast number of Americans are being nothing but racist!

Muslim Palestinians are facing Zionists with bare hand, while Zionists are torturing them! who's the peaceful now?

Islam has always been a way of life! If you read the Qur'an, you'll discover how peaceful it's and how peaceful its laws are.

But what a shame, people are judging Islam by what Qaeda does not by what the 99% of other Muslims do!

2 points

Logically, anybody who has a good sense of understanding cannot accept that science is winning not god!

God's existence has come with scientific clues! In the Holy Qur'an there's mentioned a vast number of scientific evidences all of which were written about 1400 years ago! 1400 years ago when nobody was educated nor intelligent enough to discover such an information!

and that's one of the important reasons why god not science

Winning Position: Is Islam peaceful

About Me

"A debate and an engineer to be! A debates addict and usually a winner! Mehdi Hassan is my role model"

Biographical Information
Name: Abie Alabani
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Libya
Religion: Muslim
Education: In College

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