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RSS AliyahNM

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Flipped learning assist in the improvement in the majorly flawed education system that is implemented today. As educators, we know that students learn on many different levels and it is extremely difficult to accommodate all learning styles without students getting bored, lost, and or stuck in the middle. By implemented flipped learning, the time in the classroom would to utilized in a more productive manner to challenge, help and clarify things for the students who need it. I believe that flipped learning is an extremely effective instructional strategy because students are becoming more tech savvy and lose focus so much in the classroom and may feel that their time is not used in an effective when in school, that they begin to not take accountability for their learning. In a flipped learning classroom, students are able to view their teachers lectures at home, at their own pace, and with peer assistance. Then when they get into school, the classroom time is used on projects, discussions, etc. When the students get into the classroom, that are applying their learning, which gives them a greater comprehension of what is being taught. "Almost all the studies into the flipped class have confirmed that short and concise pre-recorded video lectures allow students to learn the content in greater depth and at their own pace outside the classroom" (Wang, 2015). In the Mad Draw Productions YouTube video, that stated that flipped learning strategy allows students to grasp their learning, without their teachers being the middle man. Teachers are their for assistance and to answer questions, when needed. The traditional way of learning is not enough for todays students, they need more independence, freedom, technology, quick and easy access learning!


Wang, Y., Han, X., & Yang, J. (2015). Revisiting the blended learning literature: Using a complex adaptive systems framework. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18, 380–393. Retrieved from

MadDrawProductions [Producer] (May 27, 2012). The flipped classroom. [Video File]. Retrieved from

EDUCAUSE. (2012). Things you should know about… flipped classrooms. Retrieved from ELI7081.pdf

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