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RSS AminaM

Reward Points:13
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

People are not always using their guns appropriately and people may not hurt others on purpose however there have been cases of people accidentally killing or deeply injuring another person. The Death percentage by guns have increased by 32 % through the years 1965-2012, that includes the includes the amount of murder victims killed by a gun. Referring to your statement about using household items as weapons is also wrong, there are numerous amounts of objects that could be used as weapons, like for example scissors. The percentage of people who die of guns are drastically higher that the amount of deaths caused by household items. Would you not agree ?

2 points

People who have ready access to a firearm are almost twice as likely to be killed and three times likelier to commit suicide than those without a gun available in the home or from a neighbor or friend, a new study has shown. Men and women are 29% likelier to die in a gun homicide. America has the highest rate of gun ownership than any other country. The nation's gun-related homicide rate is higher than that of any other high income country, and its rate of suicides carried out with a gun exceeds 37%. These may not seem like large numbers, when in fact the number of people dying in the country should be 0.

2 points

There has been a case in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on December 14, 2012. There was a 20 year old man under the name of Adam Lanza, he killed 20 children and 6 adult staff members.This was the highest mass shooting in a school ever recorded in the USA. The reason Adam started the shooting was because him and his mom had a fight, due to this Adam was mad and wanted to give revenge. His idea of revenge was to shoot kids in the school his mom worked in. If the Adam or his family had not owned a gun or had not given him one, there would not have 20 innocent children dead.

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