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RSS Arshnavi

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

I respectfully disagree with what Star010 had stated. The problem with your point of view is that you are visualizing this situation just by your own acquaintance with video games. I bear respect for your view about violent games not causing aggressive behavior but let’s face it, the fact is, just by one person’s interpretation about something, we cannot conclude that everyone has the same perception as you. We need reliable sources of information, data and statistics to back your statement up as evidence. Moreover opinions are never facts; they are just believes by a particular person. Therefore, if you choose yourself into being the source of disapproval in this debate motion, I would definitely be in uncertainty of the probability of the source.

1 point

Firstly, we have to understand the meaning of Responsible. Different people have various interpretation of the word responsible. In my point of view, responsible means “ being the primary course of something and so be able to be blamed or credited for it”. Therefore, I agree with the debate motion ‘ Violent games are responsible for aggressive behavior in teenagers’.

Violent video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are usually sandbox-styled. They are unique because they encourage players to become of the game’s ‘script’. Players are instigated to actively participate as a character by choosing how they will interact with other characters including which weapons will be used while fighting or attacking other characters. Weapons often include guns, knives, RPG‘s, bombs and even items in our daily household deemed to be deadly in the wrong hands.

Today’s sophisticated video games require players to pay close attention to the game as compared to passively watching television or movie. As active participants in the game’s script players strongly portray themselves with violent characters portrayed in violent video games. This action of merging with characters in video games increases a player’s ability to learn and retain aggressive thoughts and behaviors they see being portrayed in violent games. Furthermore, exposure to violent video games may input angry and hostile feelings into the affected while interacting with peers, teachers and adults. Also, violent video games reward violence as an effective way to handle conflict hence when teenagers get into brawls, they result to violence as a settlement. Moreover studies by Albert Bandura, a psychologist in Mundare, Alberta, Canada Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University stated that rewarding violent behavior is conducive to learning. Due to this, players who are continually rewarded for violent responses may experience an increase in their aggressive behavior and/or their perception of aggressive behavior.

Thus, without a doubt, I agree that violent video games are responsible for instilling aggressive characteristics in teenagers.

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