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RSS Aurelie

Reward Points:8
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

The only worse crimes I can think of would be torture, rape and murder of a human. But he murdered and tortured dogs and had the female dogs put in "rape holders"...he removed their teeth and forced them to attack prey animals and starved them. Think about that next time you see his face on tv.

This isn't someone who was caught with some dope, or didn't pay his taxes. This is a violent person who had no pity for living creatures.

Felons should be banned from sports for life

1 point

so its OK to torture animals and force them to kill each other and make money off of it?

1 point

Ugh who cares if Vic has "done his time" (technically he never served time for animal abuse just illegal gambling) the man is obviously a piece of crap who has no feeling for living creatures and only stopped because he got caught.The bigger problem is society should not reward people for criminal behavior. He is a felon, all felons should be banned from professional sports for life. Let him get a job at McDonalds.

There are hundreds of deserving sports players who should get the chance to play. I personally dont want to see his stupid face on tv, playing sports or endorsing any brand name. He has said he wants to own dogs again! We don't allow pedophiles to adopt children so he shouldn't be allowed to own a goldfish. I trust that karma will bite him in the ass yet, pun intended. He makes me want to puke!

Winning Position: Customers and Cell Phone Use

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