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RSS Aussie

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

A large reason why Hitler succeeded with the Holocaust was that he played on people emotions and worries about their Country for the future and how they could benefit. Most of his reasoning was that the Jewish community was taking over their Jobs, Lands, school opportunities and more though the Jewish people did do this, It was because that was how they were raised and taught that working hard was the way to become successful. – Not all Germans wanted to work for what they wanted and for other reasons, They blamed the Jews for what they lost. He also killed Homosexuals, Disabled people and Slavs doing so he believed this would bring Germany to the ‘top’ and be known as the “Master Race” Most in this class would have blue eyes and blonde hair.

1 point

Fritz Gerlich had his life to lose and possibly his wife’s safety when he stood up to Adolf Hitler and the cause he supported but to himself it did not matter as the whole country was in danger of making a horrible mistake and destroy lives and their reputation to be thought of as the worst. The way he tried to stop was hard at first as nobody would stand with him which lead to his termination at the newspaper until he realized he could pay to use the enemies own newspaper as they couldn’t stop him from the contract that was signed. It was possible Gerlich could prevent Hitler’s future plans if he just had a little bit more time to convince and show people that they were being diluted from the truth of how wrong they were and would be.

1 point

One important piece of information I discovered about Hitler was not only was he thought to be a great man by the way he could convince and manipulate people, It was the fact he might not have gotten to become of what he did if the 'rich political powers' weren’t using him as a puppet just to make sure they could stay in power and not lose a cent. This is shown in the movie when Ernst Hanfstaengl consults with Hilter helping him believe that is how can get further to his goals.

Supporting Evidence: Funding Nazis (
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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Education: High School

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