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RSS AvaSatanas

Reward Points:0
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Cool. Now he's rich beyond measure. Did he build that or someone else?

0 points

Well, that's not true, is it?

It's 100 percent accurate. If your group is stupid, you may get wiped out. You might not get selected.

You don't have to invite them. If they are with the American military they will likely invade anyway.

Using the military in an example as though being wiped out by invaders isn't natural selection is pretty stupid. Would it be different if we said that the lions wiped out the antelopes? Would that be unnatural selection? No; that's how it works.

-1 points

I don't think I am the one of us who is dumb. I think there might be kind of a double negative effect going on with the way you are presently viewing matters.

The argument was 5,000 years and you shrank it to 70 years thinking you had done something smart. It was bad for your position in the debate to shrink how long they have killed others.

-2 points
1 point

It is 100% a red herring. It's an ad hominem too. Two fallacies at once.

1 point

You didn't respond to the debate though.

Cartmen. How you doing buddy?

1 point

Accusing ancient members of being bronto, once again, makes you look foolish. Please stop acting like a child. Thank you.

-1 points

If you hate the nation because it has the worst human rights record in recorded history then you are simply a good person.

In 5,000 years, Israel hasn't killed as many people as the Nazis, Mao, Stalin, or Pol Pot. Hyperbolic crap answers make you look foolish.

You do not get to invent the reason why Israel is hated

If human rights violations was your actual concern, you'd condemn the entire Middle East for its treatment of minorities, women and gays. But you do not do that.

0 points

He's right. You have gone into a red herring fallacy. You didn't respond to the topic.

1 point

Do you kiss your momma with that dirty mouth?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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