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RSS AwfulOctopus

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

That totally makes sense. Because a baby is ALWAYS hungry right before you leave and they NEVER get hungry when you're out.

1 point

Of course you should be able to breastfeed wherever and whenever you goddamn please. I've been breastfeeding my daughter for a year now. Have I breastfed in public? No. Why? Because I don't feel comfortable. I shouldn't feel this way about feeding my child. "But my significant other is with me! I don't want him/her seeing your breast". Yes, because he/she will leave you because they caught a partial glimpse of a woman's breast. "But-but my child/children are with me and they shouldn't be seeing that!" Oh no, children should never learn about or see a natural way of feeding an infant. "BUT-BUT-BUT it's not okay for me to pull my penis out, why should you be able to pull your breast out? I should be able to urinate in public because it's NATURAL". Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you could nourish an infant with your urine. Oh, and there's a restroom practically any place you go, unlike nursing stations. "BUT-BUT-BUUUUUT I think it is very inappropriate and I don't feel comfortable. Breasts are not to be seen!" Guess what? Look away. A lot of breastfeeding mothers try their hardest to conceal their breast the best that they can when feeding their child. Many of them use covers, which can be very uncomfortable for the child,leading many others to abandon the cover. "BUT HOLY SHIT can't you just pump some milk or take formula when you go out into public?!" Do you know how much pump and the accessories cost? Sure, some insurances cover the cost, but some don't. Mine sure didn't. I was lucky to have a friend to give me one. Only problem was that my daughter never took a bottle. Even if you have a pump and your child takes a bottle, do you understand how difficult the process of pumping and storing is? A breast pump normally does not extract as much milk as an infant could, meaning you may have to build up a supply first. Some women's breasts do not even respond to a pump. So next time you see a woman breastfeeding in public, do not judge her. She is doing what she believes is best for her child and does not deserve judgement for doing so.

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