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RSS Bakhytgul

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

may be i am not!

but can you give me some reasons or facts which make my mind to change?

1 point

So, you want to say that because of money or number of prisons, we should kill criminals??

You think about money, that is all.. What about them?

Guys who are for capital punishment, just imagine the situation when someone defended himself and accidentally killed a person, and another people suffered from him because that accident and court decided to give him imprisonment for life... But he just wanted to protect himself, so what should we do? Kill him because there are not enough prisons? Guys, it is kindergarten

1 point

Maybe i am not.. May be you are right.. Can you give me some facts which will make my mind change?

1 point

i agree with number of increasing prisoners and there are not enough place for criminals, it is true ! because i did research of course.

It is governments problems, and they should build new prisons for criminals..!!!

1 point

no, you are not right!

you can not give for criminals apportinuties to choose what is better for them!

because they did not think and did not ask people who suffered from them!!! they just did crime that is all!!

i strongly believe that the goog way to punish them it is imprisonment for life, they will be loneless and they will suffer and feel sorry

1 point

as you know in our world a lot of things which people should improve, there are unimployment, if the government teach criminals, they can work in dangerous factories all thier lives forever!!!! and it will be FREE!

it will improve our countries and provide with new employees...

1 point

hi! i think that it should not be banned because of some reasons!

first of all, they (criminals) are people, they have soul and they can change their views of life because of time, they can understand thier big mistakes and find a right way to improve thier live that is why imprisonment for life should not be replaced by capital punishment, second of all, i am really religious person who trust in God, i mean with words: "find a right way", they can start to pray, to read namaz, and God will forgive them! third of all, we are people, and we do not have rights to kill someone, we should not repeat after criminals, we have to be in higher position than them!

0 points

because he is the first afro American president that is why he is elected..

as you know "white people" from the ancient did not give "black people" opportunities to have better live!

Hens, afro American people are tired and wanted to have president such as Obama, as you know in the USA: White - 78.1%

African Americans - 13.1%

you can see that 13.1 % totally voted for Obama, and also white people who are tired and disappointed from Washington who i do not like.

2 points

You live in the Democratic country!!! and all of people have equal rights, why do you talk about his skin? it does not matter...

try to talk about facts!

4 points

If he is Okay as you said, why people suffer from The USA? They do not like him, you know why?

I live in another country and i know better than you the sutiation in the USA. A lot of people and it does not matter american they are or not, they hate Obama, because he promised a lot of things but he did not do anything to implement in reality. It is just a empty word which will not come true with him..

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