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RSS BoatsnHoes

Reward Points:9
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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

Playstation beats xbox in units sold ps2 sold over 100,000,000 units way more than xbox xbox even overall never beat playstation playstation ontinues to defend its title you dumb fag,ps3 canhave up to a 500gb drive retard

1 point

Oh yeah you're a fag AND SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-1 points

okay online chat and lederboards is not worth over 8 bucks FAG!!!!! you can look online for that shit for free DUHHHH I have had xbox as long as you live for five years you dumb bitch we have better graphics and save more money and we are better looking we dont have as many little bastards or as much lag YOU DUMB FAG btw to get red rings was the main launches fault not the person who baught it .........well maybe it was for buying the xbox lol you lose FAG!!!!

2 points

I DONT LIKE YOU!!!! (in a funny and loud will ferrel voice)

0 points


2 points

YES.......YES!!!!! eh men hallalewyer praise jebus this guy knows what hes talkin about xbox=thieves they take as much money from you and milk you game add on 400 Mpoints you have to get at least 500 Mpoints change name 800 points buy at leat 100 points buy a game,some cost Mpoints 1,200 you have to get 1,00 then 500 you overpay mics you go through a lot lets add it up elite=+wifi plugin+hidef plugin+mics+batteries+recharger for contrroller+ugly chicks online +over 8 dollars for online+lil kids+assholes+modders++I got kikd off literaly 10 times=7,845,973,982,000 IN CASH!!!!!!!! RIGHT MEOW!!!!!!!!

2 points

I have an xbox an I have had it for 4 years and I have been getting bored of it halo 3 is done dont like it much you need an ass load of friends in custom for it to be remotely fun, I love my xbox but its getting to be the same,8 dollars plus tax to chat in party,and its fuckin stupid I never look at leaderboards,bad things about 360 I'd know like hd old normal dvd quality like watching a vhs tape,maybe a little more high def,went through like a dozen mics they stop working after a while just randomly stop,batteries cost more money,to play without a internet cord it'd cost 100 dollars for the dumb wifi thing,red rings pissed me off had to rent an xbox for a month,microsoft points are beyond me you either have to overcharge for more or less if you want to buy something,example game add on 400 points I have to get at the least 500 points,I change my name often 800 points so I have to buy 1000 microsoft points xbox=thieves,ps3 cost 300 dollars most kids get an elite now which is 300 but if you want it to be as good as ps3 starts as 300 for elite plus 100 for wifi plus 100 for hd plus 20 dollars for recharger plus over 8 dollars a month for internet we are lookin at ......528^ dollars almost twice plus they over charge for microsoft point you need to buy countless mics xbox is a joke I was a retarded acting 360 fanboy This shit revoloutionsed y mind ps3 is better not long before they have party chat they will probably and even if they dont still better

The only things xbox has over ps3 more douchebags,more kids, you have to pay to use online ,oh btw servers are NOT AT ALL BETTER MODERN WHOPPER 2 has bitchy servers it lags and the game ends early often,back to what xbox has over ps3,ugly chicks ps3 has more milfs,gaylo 3,I will say it again KIDS NOT NOSED BRATS I USED TO BE ONE!!!!!!,xbox more modders to cheat,I'm so tired of listing its fun to talk shit about xbox but imma go other sites and talk shit about it I have had xbox live 5 years 360 4 I know what I'm talking about if you got neitherand have a choice to get one PS3 with all the shit you deal with your mom will always bitch about it im 14 my mom does BE WARNED!!!!!!

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