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RSS ByllNie

Reward Points:9
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is a continent it is how I was taught and it is how they teach it now, While the continent has more than just Australia it doesn't change the name just because of that.

ByllNie(9) Clarified
1 point

I have not judged this man by the cover for if I did I would have stopped at his name and picture, but as you can see by the content of my response I clearly read what he said and highlighted the error in the start of mine. If he truly was a scholar he would hold himself with dignity and not make such a egregious error.

ByllNie(9) Clarified
1 point

It most certainly has not but as someone who has seen this and called it out why fall into the same trap. You should take the highroad and let people call on relevant points for critique that are on topic, rather than saying well we are here to slam Trump not one of his predecessors. You are effectively doing the same thing he is but in reverse drawing the attention away from someone else (Obama) and putting the heat back on Trump

1 point

I agree with Imperium if you are to critique a president it is fair game to use the past ones as a reference point. You shouldn't question his intelligence without first showing that he is sub-par for the position as shown by the geniuses that held office first

1 point

I can see that you does not a scholarly man either. It must be assumed that you yourself are not a scholar and have no place in a discussion of the minds. When you come back to this forum do not use your fake papers proving you are a scholar but I would go and get proper ones so you don't stand out as a fool.

2 points

I am tempted to disagree when you say that in a majority of cases it is just a bitter lazy soul. I offer up the idea that the majority of the cases of Envy are quite harmless and the simple desire for something you lack and something that someone else may have. This is a good motivator in these minor and plentiful occasions the Envy can get you off your feet and change the conditions of your life for the better. Extreme cases of anything can make it look bad even the most tame and peaceful ideals. It doesn't matter what you look at you should look past all the extreme cases that fly to the surface so you can get a complete picture in your mind.

1 point

I feel you are in no position to tell us to be responsible. You have no street cred on this account maybe if you have shown yourself to be a strong and polite "responsible" member of this establishment your statement can be taken with some seriousness. In the future refrain from making such claims without the credentials to back them up.

1 point

His chrome theme is not epic or cool it is quite lame. He is simply making a desperate call for attention when he knows he is wrong. This kind of childish behavior is not needed in our society as it will only lead to a weak generation that cannot stand to be wrong and needs to call out desperately or validation of their beliefs. If this is a truly important question to this poor poor child who hasn't known true pain or suffering than I choose to believe there is nothing left for me in this world and will be leaving promptly. I can only hope to enlighten the select few before I am gone from this planet for good. The truth is that we have the potential for interstellar travel but we get caught up on small petty things like chrome themes and subsequently have shut down the two or three scientists who advocate for the common knowledge of the capability of interstellar travel. I hope you the reader can try to expose the truth in my absence and if you finally get the answers you desire come and meet me in Alpha Centurai.

Winning Position: It is

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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