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Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

It takes a lot more than one form of media to create a persons personality. I will agree that some people have been influenced by video games, but that person was pushed by other factors and video games get ALL the blame. Some people are just crazy but got an idea from a game, just like that person could get an idea from a movie, book, tv show, or scary story they heard from a friend. I think people are just too desperate to abolish violence in the world and are looking for a scapegoat to blame, no one wants to face the fact that some people are born shitty and will always be crazy.

1 point

Well I bet an animal living in a house given food and companionship gives it a better chance of survival than living in the wild. Sure not all owners are loving and caring, but neither is nature. We're sheltering animals who get comfort, food, love, and protection and in return they give us a friend. If they really didn't like it they would show aggression and try to escape. Most pets however do not do this.

3 points

Ask this instead, "What would it be like if no one practiced or believed in any religion?"

We would have more equality, less historical violence, and no more religious bias in politics. These may seem like presumptions, but they're really simple facts. People would have no reason to hate gays as the only argument I've seen against them is "The Bible says it's wrong." There would also be no reason to hate those of other religions, because there would no other religions. Less historical violence because things such as the crusades, 9/11 and all associated wars, and countless Middle Eastern wars between Israel, Iraq, and Iran. All these were motivated by religious disagreements. And no more laws against things like abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia, and the death sentence, as all these laws are supported by it being wrong in the eyes of God. So the question should not be about the world being better if everyone were religious, but about if the world would be better if no one were religious, and the answer should be yes.

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