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RSS Chelle4Pat

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is debatable as Indians were just trying to defend themselves by building outposts as the tibetans invaded them. The China were just being a bully.

1 point

And then, when you happens to have the need of talking to the person, the awkwardness will still be there. So your argument is invalid, please try again later

1 point

So you're saying that majority of us are going to stay home in front of our computer and webcam everyday? Yes it is an easier way to communicate with existing friends but what about those who are yet to be friends, starting an conversation in social media will not be wise as the first impression is a very powerful source that will creates how the party sees you the next time, and to change the first impression it will be close to impossible unless there's a drastic change that can be seen easily

1 point

I dont agree with this, so you're saying that just because of the convenience for communicating with others make we more social? Please define the meaning of 'being more social' .... Convenience ≠ Be more social

2 points

Yes i agree that Social Media has made us less social because a face to face conversation with a friend or anyone is always better and more truthful and also social media would cause a lot of misunderstanding as we are behind our computer having conversation with another party but not knowing what their feelings are and also how they are reacting, that will cause a lot of misunderstanding and the next time when they met, it will be pretty awkward and thus becoming more and more less social with the real world

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