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RSS Cian_Smith

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
2 points

I believe that people should be held accountable for their actions and what they say or spread. But there is lies and misinformation everywhere not only on social media. Social media take the blame for a lot of misinformation because it is so easy to blame. If i say that a certain news source is spreading lies and misinformation then I will be hated by those supporters but if I say social media as a whole is spreading lies then people wont feel attacked. My main point is there is misinformation and lies everywhere you go so does that mean we should just sit in a blank room and go nowhere? There is lies everywhere we turn so it is our job to fact check and double check all the information we read or believe. It is the consumer of the information's job to make a educated decision before spreading those lies also.

2 points

How is it bad on the poor if it can give them a voice? Also what bad influences does it have on the less educated population?

1 point

There is inaccurate information everywhere not only on social media. Even when you are talking to someone they can mislead or lie to you. There will never be a place that is fully free from influence and propaganda. Everyone has a opinion and if everyone has the right to share it I believe that social media is the right place. It allows everyone to respond to what you say not only people that agree with you but also people that disagree. It can lead to more insightful conversations and even change some peoples minds that were flooded with misinformation. So I agree with you a little but in the bigger picture it is more helpful than harmful.

3 points

I agree that people tend to surround themselves with people of the same thinking or views but this does not mean that opposing sides do not talk at all. As you mentioned only 10 percent of a conversation about the 2012 Israeli-Palestinian clash was from opposing sides but that does not mean it didn't have influence. Those small conversations could have lead to more conversations about other topics and could have lead to marches etc. Those small conversations that they have can still lead to big movements and can lead to more vital conversations. I'm not saying what you said is wrong I'm just saying that the potential is there for more to come out of even the smallest talks.

1 point

Social media is good for democracy because it gives everyone a place to voice their opinions for everyone to hear. Even though some peoples views can be malicious that doesn't mean they don't have the right to share it.

1 point

I agree that it can be used for malicious intent but does that mean we should get rid of social media all together and not allow people to share their opinions and views?

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