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RSS Cirksy

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree that a representative democracy over the internet might work but it would still be very hard to accomplish, the Internet is just a huge place where people from everywhere can do whatever they want

1 point

I believe you have a good point about how it might not be about politics but we can have a direct democracy about anything.

1 point

I don't think that the internet should be used for a direct democracy. I believe this for a couple reasons and the first one being not everyone has access to the internet and having a direct democracy where everyone has and should have say where people do it over the internet, it would be hard to get everyone involved. Another reason, on the internet, people are behind a computer and others cant see their face so they are more likely to just do whatever they want because they won't feel the consequences behind it as much. There are also people on the internet called "trolls" who are on the internet to mess with people or purposefully mess stuff up so that it's not fair. Hackers are another big issue, hacker would easily be able to hack the system and change everything to however they want it and could rig elections and other stuff. There are just too many of these people that we meet on the internet now that if we did use a direct democracy with the internet that it would just be a big mess and be almost impossible for anything to get done correctly. There are also other factors like spam that would make it difficult but I won't go into those. I think that there an be a way to deal with these problems or at least somewhat help. First, we could a really good security system in which hackers won't be able to get into the system and completely destroy anything. A way that might get rid of the trolls and the people who don't feel the consequences of their bad decisions, we could have everyone take a survey and if it seems bad in anyway they won't be able to do anything for the direct democracy because they over extended their rights, and this would also help weed out the stupid people not to be mean or anything. One way to help everyone get involved is to make sure everyone has access to internet, this might have cost issues but it would help resolve the issue of not everyone getting involved. So in conclusion, I believe that a direct democracy through the internet is POSSIBLE but unlikely because of all the factors that would make it extremely difficult and cause problems.

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