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RSS Corey

Reward Points:2
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0 points

they will have to make replicas but they won't have the better thing that they had and it the museum does not have enuf money they cant have people seeing the African culture

6 points

They should be returned to Africa because it is their cultures items and they were stolen so it would be better to put it in its original place.

- The people from England came in and just stole most of their items and put them in museums so then people could look at them but they could have just made replicas and put them in their museums

-people put a lot of effort into making those things that they stole so many hours of work were lost when they stole them also some people have killed people and stole their items so they cant look back at it also Somme was broken so that was another loss.

9 points

I believe people should keep these items were they are right now.

-Every single person deserves to see other cultures items and ways of living without having to pay huge amounts of money to get to that country to see them also people came and took them and those items had been in England for around 300 years and I see no point of giving them back now.

-some people bought the items at stores or markets so they can keep them and study them BUT they don't need to be returned to Africa because those are that person's belongings so that would be considered stealing and that is their stuff so you could return the stolen stuff

- They also should not take them back to Africa because they took it a long time ago so the people that they took it from are dead and their generation most likely are dead so they can't get it back so it won't matter to them as much. Also most likely it would cost less to remake the items so they can have fake replicas

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