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RSS Coyote

Reward Points:2
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

The fact that the president is more widely known than most congressmen gives him a clear advantage when using bully pulpit. The president can easily use mass media to persuade the public of his ideals. An average congressmen such as Peter Welch can not so such as effectively

1 point

As the commander in chief, the president can make a multitude of important decisions in the event of a national emergency without congress' approval. The president is able to deploy troops for a certain number of days without officially declaring war. The president also has the authority to launch a nuclear strike and negotiate treaties to end hostilities without the approval of congress. If congress wanted do any of those things they would have to vote which would take time. The president can do it immediately.

1 point

The POTUS has the power of executive privilege. This is the power to do things in secret, which reduces oversight. A recent example of this is when Trump asserted his executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents about the census citizenship question.

1 point

A standing army is critical to the safety and well being of a nation. What would would happen if we had militias and another county tried to attack us? The answer is we would have a hard time mobilizing troops and loose the war. Also if two states that had militias got into an argument, what would happen? A civil war! I don't think THAT would be safe for the people's liberty.

1 point

A standing army is critical to the safety and well being of a nation. What would would happen if we had militias and another county tried to attack us? The answer is we would have a hard time mobilizing troops and loose the war. Also if two states that had militias got into an argument don't you think that would cause a civil war?

1 point

Without a strong central government, our states will be more like a group of independent nations. They will fight for what is best for themselves, they will be selfish, and nothing will get done.

1 point

We need a strong national military to defend against other countries. Also If we have state militias, they would just fight and cause a major civil war.

1 point

Under the Articles of Confederation, it is extremely hard to tax. Take for example during Shays Rebellion. The Federalists had no choice but to sit back and watch as a civil war almost broke out because they could only get 37% of the states’ revenue. Taxing power is critical to a country’s army, without it they will fail. Power of the Purse is the perfect solution for taxing power. It combines a strong central government’s taxing power while retaining representation of the people. This is why I am against The Articles of Confederation.

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