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RSS Deepika

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

a chat can have feelings/emotions because thats what emoticons are for! a simple smiley emoticon can be a measure to how they are feeling.Besides, it allows people who are socially awkward and do not have the self esteem to stand up for themselves to show their povs and opinions.

1 point

what is given cannot be taken back even if it is on chats because everything that is sent is pretty much permanent and more than saying it out in real life, in chats you have written proof!

3 points

The social media has been a great way to allow people to be more well aware of the happenings in the world and thus we can be more equipped with knowledge.Most of us probably wouldn't know about most happenings if it wasnt for twitter trends.

1 point

When Raffles fired Farquhar, the people in Singapore bid Farquhar farewell in a very respectful and grand way. The people back then did not give Raffles the same respect

2 points

But F was the one who arranged the meetings between R and the sultan.He did the small details to help ensure everything went the right way.

1 point

In one instance, Farquhar used a portion set aside by Raffles as government land around the Singapore River for merchants to use under pressure from influential traders who would have withdrawn their businesses from Singapore. On another instance, Farquhar allowed taxes from gambling and opium as a source of revenue even though Raffles was against such vices. Both instances of disagreement were out of the tight budget which seems to be due to Raffles’ refusal to increase funding.

4 points

There were also policies introduced by F,such as policy implemented by Farquhar to cope with a rats problem that Singapore faced by paying people for every rat they caught.

2 points

Even though Raffles managed to raise $400,000 for Singapore,Farquar was the one who helped talk to the locals to do up the groundwork

1 point

Farquar was Raffles’s Assistant.If Raffles founded Singapore,and Farquar was a wittness,then it s also valid that William Farquar was a founder of Singapore.

4 points

Farquar was left to manage Singapore on the very next day.(7th Feb 1819)Thus Raffles was taking advantage of William Farquar.

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