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Reward Points:8
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

umm, I as an atheist, have never tried to convert anyone. Yes we do believe our beliefs....Isn't that why there called beliefs? We do believe we are right, yet doesn't every one with an opinion think there right? Yes we may be ironic, but so are Christians. Why can't we have an argument on that? One last thing, we worship NO ONE

0 points

Racial Profiling is immoral, and discriminative. what are they going to do next, break into darker-light-skined people's homes, and decide to arrest them, convict them, sentence them to death, and then find out that there an American citizen, went to there home country to see relatives, came back an deprived of his rights, and then killed? The second we as Americans decide to discriminate people because of there skin color, is the time that the America I came to love is dead. I would never view her the same way. I as an African-American, who has been discriminated against. It's bad enough that we judge them now, but making a law that makes it OKAY to Persecute people on beliefs and color is just so wrong.

1 point

RETARD ALERT! EEERT! EEERT! EEERT! No, seriously, if your just that stupid then you need the dosage upped on your meds!

brother and sister or brother and father or brother and mother or sister and father or sister and mother or sister and sister or brother and brother or paedophile and young person or dead body and necrophile or a dog and a bestiality person.

well of coarse not, those are illegal, because of defects in child births, and animal cruelty laws. second, were not advocating that. third, we accept people who don't do things wrong, because MANY studies have proven that sexuality is proven before birth.

fourth, calling people names just shows how unexcepting you RED NECKS are. see, we can be just as cruel. You really need to read your little bible. doesn't teach you to accept, forgive thou neighbor (even though the gays arent your neighbors, and never did anything to you)? Did your "Christ" not die for ALL of us?

1 point

Many studies have proved that parents sexuality has no effects on the child's sexuality. and your "family morals" are already in danger with a 50% Divorce rate. Don't blame it on the gays Just because the rest of America is so morally indecent. And if "God" (I'm atheist, and I even spelled your God's name right with a capital "G") designed us to have different sexes, than why is anal sex one of the largest forms of sex in America between hetero-sexuals in america? i doubt ALL of those people are atheist, liberals, or Democrats.

2 points

What exactly is love? Do you have a pet? If your pet was in the "Vet" and you couldn't visit them, give them friendship and comfort them in there time of need, then would you do anything you can so you could? If two people love each other, then "The genitalia between"there"...legs shouldn't dictate with whom..."they" can spend the rest of there life..." with.

Winning Position: I am for it.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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