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RSS Dhivesh01

Reward Points:3
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0 points

Hillary Clinton is a veteran politician who is certainly capable of leading the country compared to Donald Trump. Being the secretary of state from 2001-2009 and senator of America from 2009-2013, she is definitely well-versed in political affairs and crucial matters regarding the welfare of the country. This shows that she has a wide knowledge of politics and has experience with confidential and important issues regarding the country and with no doubt, she would be able to use this knowledge to wisely handle the country and its economy.

Although Trump may rank on the Forbes list as the 133rd richest man in the world, politics is not his forte. Upon his election as President, Trump would ban and mass deport Muslims and construct a wall to block off Mexico from America. This racist division would result in devastating consequences unbeknownst to him such as the huge impact this would have on the influx of immigrants. The fact that Trump views women as subservient and inequal to men exacerbates this problem. As many would have witnessed, Trump claimed that he had kissed and groped women and casually dismissed it as 'locker room talk'. This is outrageous as he had abused the modesty of many women and did not seem keen on repentance. If Trump became president, the women would be furious and heartbroken at the horrible things he had done and would constantly defy and dispute Trump's rulings, ultimately reaping much displeasure which would eventually lead to more problems . This would be a divide-and-conquer strategy which would play right into the hands of the ISIS terror group which would take advantage of the anger and confusion that Trump would have caused.

In contrast, Hillary Clinton plans to heal and reunite America and cease the racial tensions This is by far, the best and most efficient method to combat the ISIS threat compared to Trump's ridiculous proposals.

As can be seen in the presidential debates, Trump is clearly unsuited to be a president as he is one who depicts himself as a person who would rather prioritize the faults with others and his feuds with them over the welfare of the people. In the debates, Trump would usually be seen blaming Clinton for problems caused and retaliating with insults back at Clinton instead of answering the pending questions put forward to him. On the contrary, although Hillary Clinton had her fair share of insulting, she did not play the blame game ,which would add fuel to the fire, but instead laid out a series of plans that she would implement to solve problems in response to questions put forward to her.

These are elucidating points that have shown that Hillary Clinton places utmost importance upon the welfare of the country and with her skills and knowledge base, she would be able to govern the country well and ensure that happiness and prosperity flourishes in America. (XD I tried)

-By Christian and Dhivesh

1 point

In single-sex schools, the students may base their education standards on peers and competitors of the same gender. They could be unaware of the standards of students from the opposite gender and may restrict themselves to surpassing the levels of those from their school and not students from opposite-gender schools.

There is more competition in co-ed schools amongst students of differing genders, causing some to perform very well. A study from Kilvington Grammar School shows that students from single-sex schools do only 3% better than students at co-ed schools.

In the Singapore context, co-ed schools minimise the jump from secondary or primary school to Junior College, meaning to say that the students in co-ed schools become socially aware creatures. This results in better co-ordination and communication with members of the opposite sex which would help them in the future and in their education.

2 points


The teachers in co-ed schools may have difficulty in accommodating 2 differing genders' styles and ways of doing things. Thus they may naturally decline to being gender bias and having different expectations towards the students. Usually in this case, teachers will be biased towards the girls as teaching boys, due to their boisterous nature, will be tough while teaching girls may amount to less stress for the teacher

In Florida, when fourth-grade students were segregated into single-sex and co-ed classes, the results at the end of the experiment showed that the fourth-graders in the single-sex classes passed with flying colours in their tests while those in the co-ed classes didn't do as well as those in the single-sex classes.

This shows that Single-sex schools are the route to better education.

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