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RSS Diogenes

Reward Points:102
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hey. News flash. It required an intelligent designer to make that. This proves nothing except that someone can create it in a lab. Just saying. LOL!

1 point

Answer me this, genius. Proteins are made from left handed amino acids. If just one is right handed, the protein will be useless. Amino acids exist in nature in equal quantities of left and and right. The chances of getting a protein with all left handed amino acids are effectively zero. Then there is the three dimensional structure of proteins, of which there are many. Proteins also require chaperones to help them achieve the correct shape. So. A protein needs a chaperone in order to exist, which needs a smaller chaperone for it to exist. proteins will also fit in one location. The one they were designed to fit. Each protein also has a genetic tag that tells it where to go. Then there is also a system that tells the cell when to stop making a certain protein. This is a two part system, in which both parts are useless without each other. Are you getting the picture yet? Do you still believe that all of this could happen without help?

Diogenes(102) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry. Did you have something intelligent to say? If Bible thumper is your only argument, then you have none.

1 point

Since there is not one single shred of evidence that it happened, or is even possible, I guess any other theory is just as good.

1 point

That is nothing but speculation. There is absolutely no evidence to back it up.

1 point

How is God an impossibility? What makes you think that matter and energy coming into existence all by themselves is any more reasonable than God?

1 point

That is exactly what I'm saying. Can you produce this evidence, assuming it even exists?

1 point

I'm talking about evolution. There is no debate about adaptation. It does happen. However, there is no evidence that adaptation leads to new species. In order for that to happen, new information needs to be added to the genome. There is no evidence that this is even possible, and everything we know leads to the conclusion that it is not possible.

1 point

The majority of scientists used to believe in the spontaneous generation of life. Now. Tell me again about that majority of scientists BS.

Diogenes(102) Clarified
1 point

I read it in an article a few days ago. Can't find it again. If I remember correctly, they used a chemical that disrupted the cell without causing any damage.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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