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RSS ERnursebyday

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.

You stating "Predators will use this law to get closer to their prey" is based on opinion or research?

So foil7 you are implying they should have waited until the gorilla began to attack the child before shooting him? Silverback gorillas have a high potential to attack when threatened or scared. News articles comment on the people yelling, which could absolutely threaten the gorilla.

ERnursebyday(13) Clarified
1 point

So I assume that you (IAmSparticus) are a vegetarian correct?

So AYEMAKER real quick before I respond, you WANT there to be a law saying "one must use the bathroom according to the gender at birth"?

ERnursebyday(13) Clarified
1 point

I would also like to hear your thoughts regarding human vs animal life.

ERnursebyday(13) Clarified
1 point

The most logical option is killing the gorilla. Logic is defined as "a particular way of thinking, esp. one that is reasonable and based on good judgment".

It's hard to justify the logic of wasting more time trying to lure the gorilla away or tranquilizing him "hoping" that the small child will be set free.

Let's flip the situation and say they did tranquilize the gorilla, the gorilla became very aggressive and killed the child. A human life is now lost.

I find it extremely disheartening that the value of the life of the gorilla is even considered to be equal to the value of the life of the child.

Such arguments should not exist.

ERnursebyday(13) Clarified
1 point

My response states that I feel that it is murder, but that is NOT my stance. I agree that the gorilla should be shot. I must have pressed the wrong button.

Could you please clarify what you mean by "emotional appeals"

It's not always an option for a mother of four to have assistance. It seems as though you are insinuating that she should just stay at home with the children unless she has help. The mother should absolutely not be fined. Kids are so quick! I'm a nurse in the ER and had to care for a four year old that ran in front of a pizza delivery driver in an apartment complex. The mother was holding her sons hand, she dropped her keys, let go of his hand for one second to bend down and grab them and her son ran. Unfortunately, the boy did not survive. Do you feel that she should be fined for being an unfit parent?

I would like to ask the individuals, who believe that the gorilla should not have been shot, if they have any children?

2 points

The "problem" is not drinking alcohol, the problem is drinking alcohol to excess. I've witnessed numerous individuals that are completely different people while under the influence (most can not control it).

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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