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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

However, by removing the Polish corridor and then adding on the 6.6 billion pounds that the Germans had to pay crushed the German economy. I agree that the taking the Polish Corridor from Germany was justified but adding on the huge sum they had to pay? This lead to outright destroying Germany's economy.

3 points

Germany was humiliated by the War Guilt Clause, making them take full blame of the war and it really angered the German people. The Germans felt wronged by the Big 3 as they did not feel that they deserved total blame for the war. However, Germany had not choice but to accept the treaty rather than continue on fighting. This is one of the most significant points in the start of World War 2 and this clause was poorly done, with little foresight about how much the German people would be angered because of it. Hence, this clause was not justified as it not only wronged the Germans(at least partially) but also served as the fuel for Germany starting World War 2.

0 points

Germany took the full brunt of the blame even though their actions, such as the blank cheque or surrendering early, was an attempt to create a more peaceful solution. It is unjustifiable how much Germany lost and couldn't expect to recover fully. Hence, the treaty was not fair on the German front.

1 point

The blank check was originally for the purpose of averting war, rather than starting it. This was due to Germany wanting Austria-Hungary to act quickly and take Austria while the world was still mourning the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Hence, Germany was not threatening a world war, rather Russia threatened Germany and so Germany had to declare war on all 3 world powers in order to fight against Russia's allies, Britain and France, who would have joined the war, regardless of whether Germany declared war on them.

2 points

Germany took the full brunt of the blame even though their actions, such as the blank cheque or surrendering early, was an attempt to create a more peaceful solution. It is unjustifiable how much Germany lost and couldn't expect to recover fully.

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