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Reward Points:19
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You have confused my father with yourself. You are Lenin you mother fucking commie nigger. Suck my penis balls.

1 point

I would participate in a checkers tournament.

Checkers is for commies.

Who need their mommies.

I cut their arguments in half like tatamis

I write in plain kanji

while I juggle three tsunamis

and kamikaze

my ass into a commie nazi

1 point

Lenin at least thought of himself as a revolutionary. Stalin was simply a tyrant murderer.

Lenin liked to fuck little girls in the ass hole. He had a 12 year old maid who he molested and kept in a cage under the stairs. He was a Dark Lord of the Sith and a 33rd degree freemason.

1 point

Hello Nomen weenie. Can you spank my ass nipples please? Trump is the opposite of Hitler because he's a free market libertarian and Hitler was a mine mine mine nein nein nein spank me in my booty tits wanker doodle ding dong.

0 points

You are a vile piece of nigger. You should go back to your little nigger hole. Off ya go.

1 point

Spectacular! My name is Satan. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Are you a right wing marxist mr. Satan? or are you a blue wing muslim?

1 point

I'm sick of you making it up as you go along. run along and play now little right wing commie pagan muslim

1 point

Yeah but you're too retarded to understand what I said though. Comunism was supposed to lead to an extreme lett wing utopia but it turns out to be all over the place in practice but always tyrannicak

0 points


I know it sounds funny but communism is neither inherently left or right wing in reality. There is the fascist communism which has both socialism and capitalism to varying degreses then there is the promised utopia that never comes. So basically communism is a lie so that various of types of dictators can get into power promising a utopia.

I know you're supposed to capitalise proper nouns, use apostrophes in contractions and not make comma splices.

But your a right wing left wing fascist nazi jew muslim corrupt liar christian hindu communist liberal alt-right socialist zoroastriaan pakistani native american stupid space alien balls.

So you admit that you spam the same dishonest anti-Islamic bullshit on other sites too?

what exactly have I say against islam?

1 point

You seem to have misread/misinterpreted what I wrote. I said I was laughing at you because you are stupid.

You seem to have either fingered your dirty butthole and then picked your nose or you are Hitler because the mustache dont lie even if you do.

That's nice. I'm a left-wing atheist.

Nope you are a right wing communist muslim. I get to decide what you are by your own logic so shut up.

You claim to have joined five minutes ago

They're called butt hole units, dont you know english?

you are using the familiar pattern of bolding individual quotations and then systematically replying to them.

this isnt the first debate site i been on you commie hitler jew muslim right wing liberal fascist.

It is just literally INSANE how stupid and dishonest you are, Bronto

whats a bronto?

Shut the fuck up and go die in a gas oven you lying Israeli prick.

very liberal you are Hitler.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Something that's been bothering me...

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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