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RSS Footballsuck

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
4 points

By the way you are completely wrong on sitting down for 30 minutes. the only place is sit down are corners unless you get tired, and most corners that are sweeped out you stand up. just keep blaming your team for loosing. everything a rider does wrong is on his part. thats why football players are whinney getting hit by another player is nothing to a motocross rider. you try swapping out going 30 to 40 miles and our onto dirt that's prolly 4 times the hurt than getting hit by a linebacker. You guys are stupid and fanboys at the most. we controll a over 200 pound bike. and you guys can't dodge a fat ass? pretty sad in my opinion.

3 points

Motocross is the secong most physically demanding sport out there hands down. World champiuonship soccer is the first in a FAMOUS study. a motocross work out compared to a football workout is hands down unequal. Motocross work outs consist of everyday work outs (if your a pro/ national amateur rider) such as cardiovascular, endurance, mental strength, physical strength, and HEART. You have to have heart to be a motocross rider. let alone a professional. Football, i can pllay football right now because in motocross you dont have time to figure out your strategy or play if someone is pressuring you. it's insticnt. I've had my friends THAT PLAY FOOTBALL do cardio workouts and go to the gym with me and say that can't keep up with me in the workouts. everytime i go to the track i do 4 30 minute motos straight to be the best. Football is a joke. Everyone on the football side look at the points. Enough Said.

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