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RSS FreakyRabbit

Reward Points:1
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4 points

Good morning/afternoon fellow students and teachers. I am here standing before you today to argue my point about an extremely important subject in our young lives. Should canteens ban junk food? In my opinion, they should for the following 100% true reasons. First, I am sure parents would feel much more comfortable knowing we are eating a nutritious lunch instead of a salty, sugary, fatty, buttery one. A vital reason to eat healthy food is for our fitness. It helps when we want to be fit, to have wholesome food to eat during the day to restore any lost energy. Yes, sugar is an energy source but it doesn’t last long, nor provide the nutrients and vitamins our

bodies need. You might be thinking, if it such a big deal about unwholesome canteens, why don’t the parents just make the lunch for us? Well, most could. But some don’t have the time or the money to do so. So they need their child to buy lunch at the canteen. Another reason why junk food should be banned from school canteens is because today, in the world, there are increased cases of diabetes, obesity and heart conditions in children around the world. Did you know that 300,000 people die of obesity related health problems a year? That’s SCARY! Think about it. Eating junk food at school every day is just adding that to our bodies, decreasing our health, fitness and wellbeing and slowly killing us. We are also becoming more at risk to having heart attacks or strokes at a young age. It is a

terrifying fact to know that heart surgeons are now operating on 18 and 19 year olds who have already had one or two previous heart attacks. My point is, and I do have one, if we eat these foods almost every day, we might end up like that. It is enough to make me sick to think that most of the foods canteens sell are jam packed full of sugar, salt, additives and preservatives. They are not, however, full of vitamins and minerals in which are in beneficial foods like fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. We need these to have a thriving brain and body. The school is selling these things, don’t forget yet they are the ones PROMOTING GOOD HEALTH. We should ban food being bought at the canteen of the morning unless it is a lunch order or fruit of some sort. That way, we won’t have children eating jelly, popcorn

and chips before nine o’clock.

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