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RSS G00dEgg

Reward Points:3
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Economy need fixing but Environment needs saving. To fix an Economy there are two approaches, which is to let it correct itself which is free economy and the other is with intervention. Whether the economy has been fixed or not human still live on.

We are like on a massive wooden ship where we are now very concern about the speed the ship is going and the rate we are consuming food. All these squabble are going on when we ourselves are pulling planks off the hull on the very ship we are sailing.

Once we sink no matter how fast we sail it no longer matters, no matter how much food we conserve it does not matter much as well. If the ship sink we are all doomed.

1 point

Ebook will be a good source of archiving book that is in its physical form. Physical book is the best way to go about. I tried to read my study guide on pdf and I have difficulty concentrating.

On a physical book we can highlight content, scribble notes and we can draw silly drawings when bored. It helps a lot on concentration and memorizing its content.

Ebook is similar to Physical book but sadly it can never be replaced. Just like wedding invitation. Egreeting cards can never replace wedding invitations. Some people might do that stuff but it is all about intangible values like respect and stuff.

1 point

This argument on Rich Countries eat less, poor countries could eat more ignores the grand basic of trade. When the rich countries eat less does it really mean the poor countries could eat more?

To my perspective is that the poor countries are poor due to ill management. African countries to some extend has the ability to promote agriculture on their land for food. They screwed it up. If you need to buy from the international society, you got the natural resources to do so. They are forever in corruption and no one to remove the ill management.

Rich countries might be culprit in some sense but poor countries cannot afford so much food then eat lesser. It is able doing something about it rather than blaming on the rich countries.

I am not an American. I am a Singaporean whose country has little to no land for agriculture and absolutely no natural resources to support ourselves. Did American ate lesser for Singapore's Survival? LoLx

3 points

Capitalism has done the mankind good in the sense that life quality had improved drastically. It is done in the expense of our future generation. They would need to build the nature back to its balance. It might not be that bad if they able to build it back to balance. We might just destroy ourselves then.

Economist? Haven you heard of something call "Not finish eating your food for lifetime in a night?"

6 points

Economy in this world is ever changing. Like it or not we had evolved so much over the years of mankind life. One thing that had never changed is the treatment to the environment. Fixing the environment is not as difficult as most think. It is to build an economy that is more accommodating to the environment.

The economy now is build on the basis of ignoring the environment as it is has a vast reserve that we cannot finish using. Just like financial product had evolved from private to group products like funds and stuff. Draining on the reserve had been from individual like burning of firewood to chopping down of whole forest for the world community.

Fixing the environment will eventually fix the economy because we must accept the fact like good weather might not necessary help the economy but a bad weather will definitely devastate the economy. With no home how do we build our country?

Economy needs a shift in its focus. Instead of being a resource draining economy to a more of a mankind self sustaining kind of economy. We create energy with minimum pollution to earth and we create product from what we already has. People pay organization to tackle environmental issue. Plant more trees from better environment. Instead of paying $200 for a air purifier, pay $200 on a tree for the community.

Remember $2 million of estate left for your family will diminish in its value over the years but $2 million of environment saving effort you contribute will be felt for centuries.

1 point

If you get your facts like America is the world most polluting country. Advocate so much about Amercian's so call peace and harmony it boils down to one thing. Self Interest. What is it so difficult to ink and ratify the koyoto protocol.

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Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: Singapore
Religion: Taoist
Education: In College

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