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RSS GabrielleJ55

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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

That's ridiculous. I think parents should have a say. If parents were more involved, it would be a better world. I'm dual enrolled in college and high school. I'm more mature then over half the girls I know and I've been sexually active a little over a year. I was 14 when I lost my virginity, barely. My birthday was about a week later and I turned 15. But we're gonna have sex, it's fun. Teenagers drink, have sex, go to school, and text. That's pretty much it. So why does it matter?

1 point

That is probably the most ignorant thing I've seen today. No two individuals are exactly alike. We each have a personality and a mind that for most function the way they are supposed to. I can be manipulated; I know that about myself. So if I sense a relationship getting controlling, I jump ship. If I find a guy who respects me and treats me well, I should be subjected to a LAW that tells me I can't be with him because of a number?

Plus, please note that 18 is a legal adult. They can date, marry, or sleep with a person of any age. (In the US, at least) I'm 16; I can drive, and I can work. So why can't I date who I want. Why can't I bring home a guy I want to be with because of his age?

2 points

Why? A limit on age difference is only effective when you're under 18. So what is the point? The only thing these laws do is make men who want to take advantage of teens work harder for it. When you're with a person in a secure relationship, you're going to want to bring him home;but because of these laws, you can't bring a guy home and he has an excuse. Also, has anyone noticed this only applies to females? If a male has sex with an older girl, it's absolutely fine; if anything a boy is more likely to be taken advantage of, especially an older guy. A younger female that makes and builds even a short relationship with an older guy, can threaten and control him. If I (a 16 year old female) date a guy over 4 years older then me, I can seriously mess his life up and his future. He'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. If I did it out of anger, that's me abusing the laws in my favor. Honestly, it should go back to courting; the man should come to the parents prove his worth and ask to date the daughter. IF we did that, then not a single girl could get taken advantage just because of her age. Plus how does making sex illegal prevent sex? I live in a county that was rank 1(now rank 3) in the state for teen pregnancy, so obviously it's not working. I think I should be able to date and sleep with whoever I want. It's my body; the government shouldn't be allowed to make that decision for me.

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