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RSS HalKirby

Reward Points:1
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2 points

Regardless of what the scaremongers say, this deal is probably the best chance that the international community has to stop the unmitigated hell of a nuclearly armed Iran. Netanyahu's idiotic ramblings about this being "one of the darkest days in world history" should prove -- to anyone who hasn't worked it out already -- that he is a demagogue who has no principles, other of course from saying anything that will get him elected. (Not to mention the utter hypocrisy of supporting nuclear weapons in one country and opposing them in another simply becuase you hapen to like the former: either governments should be trusted with nuclear weaponry or they shouldn't, and the state of the ME right now strongly suggests the latter.) Obviously the deal isn't perfect (it being obviously impossible to have a perfect relationship with a country which would that your country and everyone in it died) but regardless of all this talk coming from the opponents of the bill, in the real world it is simple essential that democratic nations forge deals to tightly restrict the military capacity of non-democratic nations, including, sad as it may be, with the senile theocrats of Iran. This deal represents the best chance we have had since the 1979 revolution to re-establish some vague form of relationship with Iran and to cripple those few hardliners left who still harbour pointless dreams of nuclear weaponisation, whilst simultanously bringing back some semblance of stablity to Iran's sanction-shattered and tardigrade-like economy.

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About Me

"My name is Harold Charles "Hal" Kirby. I hope to engage in many interesting debates here."

Biographical Information
Name: Harold Charles Kirby
Gender: Male
Age: 74
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Independent
Country: United Kingdom
Religion: Atheist
Education: Masters

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