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RSS Hernandez-Di

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

yes, that is true, but you have to remember that social media can also allow people to discriminate against things like that, causing revolutions and disputes around the world all cause of one thing that is trying to help the world.

1 point

yes, that is true, but you also have to remember how some research on the internet is false and that their aren't that many reliable resources out their in the world as well as them being easily manipulated by the false news since people nowadays believe anything that happens in social media.

1 point

social media is not good for democracy because platforms like Facebook, YouTube and others use to maximize "engagement" ensure users are more likely to see information that they are liable to interact with. This tends to lead them into clusters of like-minded people sharing like-minded things, and can turn moderate views into more extreme ones.

1 point

while that may be true, you have to remember how some people in the world go against things like BLM and discriminate against it, causing chaos in the country and separating people instead of bringing them together.

1 point

yes, social media does in fact have a lot of misinformation as well as false news and fake information leading people to believe in false things

1 point

i agree with this because it is true how there are fake news out there and how it gets more attention than real news sources as well. i also agree with how social media can be manipulated by multiple countries outside of the U.S as well as them using it for false information to destroy our country and make false claims about it.

1 point

social media's problem is that.the greatest danger in this dynamic is that, although information that goes viral holds unquestionable power, it bears no special claim to truth or accuracy.

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