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RSS Izanic

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Exhibit A: Americans hate foreigners, to the point of making immigration illegal (for Mexicans, anyway). They brutally tease anyone who does not acclimate to their culture upon stepping foot on American soil. Yet when they visit other countries, they are appalled at receiving the same treatment and believe that taking up residence abroad is as easy as having a passport, because nobody could ever refuse an American.

Exhibit B: Americans are pro-war and express sympathy instead of hatred for soldiers. My understanding is that capital punishment is an accepted form of punishment for murderers there. Soldiers are all guilty of at least one premeditated murder of at least one innocent person. Americans boohoo over terrorism and treat Muslims like animals, without considering how much havoc they have wrought with their pointless wars. Mass murderers who rape and murder entire families and show no mercy to women or children are the victims here, people!

Exhibit C: An extension of Exhibit A. They travel abroad and settle in places they have no place in, considering that they don't know the language or culture. This results in natives being forced out of their homes and countries because of overcrowding (in my experience) and ridiculous tax rates.

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