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RSS JaneyTay

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

I disagree with Star010, as different people have different personalities, different family upbringing, different religions and most importantly different reactions to different things. Thus, I don't think using yourself as an example is very convincing.

0 points

I agree that violent computer games are responsible for aggressive behaviour in teenagers.

Based on a article by Anne Harding from CNN. "About 90 percent of U.S. kids ages 8 to 16 play video games, and they spend about 13 hours a week doing so (more if you're a boy). Kids in both the U.S. and Japan who reported playing lots of violent video games had more aggressive behavior months later than their peers who did not, according to the new study, which appears in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics.In the new study, Dr. Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D., of Iowa State University in Ames, and his colleagues looked at how children and teen's video game habits at one time point related to their behavior three to six months later.

The study included three groups of kids: 181 Japanese students ages 12 to 15; 1,050 Japanese students aged 13 to 18; and 364 U.S. kids ages 9 to 12.

The U.S. children listed their three favorite games and how often they played them. In the younger Japanese group, the researchers looked at how often the children played five different violent video game genres (fighting action, shooting, adventure, among others); in the older group they gauged the violence in the kids' favorite game genres and the time they spent playing them each week.

Japanese children rated their own behavior in terms of physical aggression, such as hitting, kicking or getting into fights with other kids; the U.S. children rated themselves too, but the researchers took into account reports from their peers and teachers as well.

In every group, children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure. This was true even after the researchers took into account how aggressive the children were at the beginning of the study -- a strong predictor of future bad behavior."

This shows that violent computer games does and will affect teenagers in having aggressive behaviour. Thus, it is responsible.

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