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Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Even though the land is claimed, by the laws of war, the land can be occupied by another country if the country is able to establish themselves with their military forces.

After the claim, China was able to establish and occupy Tibet, by this law, and Aksai Chin was part of the region that China was able to occupy

1 point

It is also stated in Chinese maps of 1958 that the Aksai Chin is Chinese territory.

2 points

China has the right of claim over Aksai Chin as it was stated in maps of 1958 that it was China territory. By 1951, China also extended numerous posts in Aksai Chin, the India Government did not establish itself there. It was also announced by the People's Republic of China that they would be occupying Tibet, which is where Aksai Chin is located.

1 point

If it is only used for that reason, nobody would be addicted to social media, relying too much on it to be interact with friends they can meet day to day at school and work. We can still meet up with friends while using social media to communicate with relatives overseas. However, nobody does that because they are already becoming less social from using the social media excessively, not only for communicating with people we are unable to communicate with in real life.

1 point

There are cases of people having to rehabilitate from addiction over the internet. These people are of all ages and they are those who are more willing to spend time on the internet than to meet up with their friends. Having spend up to 24 hours non-stop on the internet in certain cases, why can they not meet up with their friends? They can even get their healthy dose of sleep then.

1 point

Yes, I have been. However, even though they are physically together, they are only communicating via their electronic devices and they are not even talking to the people they are with. This generation can make time for themselves to socialize in real life, they just refuse to because technology has taken them victim for addiction that they do not want to socialize off social media websites.

1 point

Yes, it is true that interaction in real life takes more time and effort. However, I think that we do not need to go to the extent of events. We can meet up at a convenient location, just between two friends, like how we do in private chats over the internet. If they can spend time away from work for the internet, bringing in examples of people addicted to the internet, spending more than 6 hours on it, why can't they do the same to meet up a friend. Social media is a form of interaction but it cannot keep friends from drifting apart as well. Friends we have met over the internet and have never met before are also named as "untrustworthy". That is the importance of having interaction in real life.

3 points

There is a significant difference between socializing online and interacting in real life. The virtual world can cause people to behave differently as they do in real life. In my opinion, there is an increasing number of people who cannot express themselves off the internet. I believe that that is a serious consequence from relying too much on social media to communicate.

4 points

This shows that the internet is a very dangerous battlefield. On the internet, people don't have to show their faces and are more daring to criticize and make terrible comments on others. Unlike Blogger Xiaxue who can defend herself very well, others are unable to cope with the stress and this greatly affect their mental health. There are cases of suicide, depression and self-harm because of negative comments garnered through the internet, mainly, social media.

3 points

I agree that social media has made us a lot less social. As people living in an urbanized city, we communicate over the internet more than we actually interact with each other face to face. For example, have you seen a group of friends sitting together at a restaurant, none of them talking to another? All of them would be typing on the phones, texting, facebooking and tweeting. While I agree that social media is a very convenient and efficient way to interact with friends and meet new people, I believe that it is essential to have face-to-face interaction.

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