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RSS JonBradford

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

People who a born into an Islamic family will be indoctrinated into Islam from childhood. This is no fault of the child, of course; they have no control over what their parents teach them. Because of their childhood indoctrination, that child will never "appropriate God's salvation in Jesus Christ", for the same reason you don't worship Allah. You are saying that a person will go to Hell and face infinite punishment for being born into an Islamic family and thereby never learning about Jesus. That is a factor has no control over, and is one that has nothing to do with morality. That is not the work of a loving God; that is what a terrorist would do.

2 points

Even if we assume that Hell exists, the very concept is completely illogical. If Hell is

indeed a physical, non-metaphorical place, in which sinners are tortured for all eternity,

it would be complete overkill! If the purpose of Hell is to punish "sinners", then why

is an infinite torture applied to punish a finite crime? All crimes, however horrible, are

finite, in that at least the person who is harmed by said crime is only harmed for a short

amount of time. In Hell, though, the pain never stops. This would be like a person

being water boarded for bullying; the punishment to the crime is not fair. You see, there is a good reason why civilized countries do not practice torture. It is because no matter what, no matter to whom it is being done to, torture is evil. This is why the Christian view on Hell is non-coherent; a punishment is being enforced in a way that is exponentially more painful and evil than the original crime ever was.

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