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RSS JontheCamel

Reward Points:18
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes, but think about the amount of people Canada has. For the population in Canada I would say it's pretty darn safe.

1 point

However bad Obama is, Stephen Harper is worse. He wastes taxpayers money on his security and cars ($10 million per year!!) and he doesn't give a crap about the environment. For example, once apon a time, there were 2.5 million protected lakes and rivers in Canada. Now there are a couple hundred, thanks to Stephen Harpers bill c-41. At least Obama somewhat cares for the environment.

1 point

Come on people, just think about how safe Canada is compared to places like Mexico, or even the USA. in Mexico, there are the drug gangs, and in the U.S. there are all the big-city turf wars, but Canada has none or at least much less of all that.

1 point

What are you talking about? You should try living in Canada and see how you like having Stephen Harper for Prime Minister. Obama is wayyyy better than Stephen Harper. Having him for Prime Minister is something we Canadians can only dream of.

1 point

It does matter where you live in Canada, but where I live really couldn't be more safe.

1 point

Is it possible to make an argument that is more unreasonable than what you just said? What makes people perverts just because they're gay or lesbian? You can't help it if you are.

1 point

Well that makes sense, considering the population that Iceland has. But if you compare the amount of people in Canada to the amount of violence and just general safety issues, Canada is very safe.

1 point

That is a good point, but I just want to point out that the fast-food chains make their foods look as healthy and tasty as possible so that people will eat there, when the company knows perfectly well that their food is bad for people.

1 point

Also, when I say Northern Canada I mean the northern half.

JontheCamel(18) Clarified
1 point

What I mean is how many people die or are seriously injured in a way that is not accidental or self-done. For example, murder or terrorism.

Winning Position: Canada is the safest country

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