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RSS Jtgoldmsith2

Reward Points:1
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1 point

When a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it does it make a sound? No, there exist no ears for the sound waves to be transformed into sound. Nothing seen ,nor there is a sound, for there is no nose for the odorless molecules to attach to and therefore there exist no color, for there is no retina to decode light frequencies. Looks, it doesn't look like anything for there is no brain to put it all together by detecting, form , color, texture, size, smell, taste or vision. The derivation of the secret. since the entropy of the black hole happens to depend on the surface area of its event horizon and not by its volume than our 3rd dimension must be a projection using the illusion of projected illusion as a hologram may still be, used as if it were really there since we can make sense of this, so to speak but in truth the 3rd dimension does not exist. The bell paradox rings out, thus apparently separate molecules like created proton pairs copy the other when one is changed because in truth they are still the same thing in the projector room. What does the tree looks like if the universe is holographic then, the tree in the forest rather seen or not is at heart an interference pattern brought to mind only when we tune it in. Our model of reality, this is the mystery of the realness of sleeping dreams revealed, we tune in into the interference patterns rather awake or asleep, to bring alive the reality projected, all is one, everything connects everything else through overlapping interference patterns and so nothing is separate at all as it seems, but one large all encompassing whole. Instant recall, memory too seems to be holograph presiding everywhere in the brain every piece associated with others related instantly broadcasting so many connections. Any part of a holographic plate contains a whole, The whole universe contained in a grain of sand , eternity in a moment, the universe rumbling when an electron vibrates. The ultimate , we are part of everything ,we are the cosmos, we are life, we are love, we are all that is, we are the creator of the dance as well as the dancer.

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