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RSS KCunningham

Reward Points:25
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

change the prison system would be good because we don't need all those people lock up any way. instead of putting then in jail they can be work for the jobs that are losing business because they don't have any workers

1 point

Our prison system has become perhaps the most ineffective and costly bureaucracy in the world.We put more people in prison than any industrialized country in the world. Yet our crime rates remain among the highest. it is probaly the best idea to keep them lock up.

2 points

locking people up would be the best choice. If they did something the hurt the state or the city. They should jail, but not go to jail watch t.v, eat and sleep. They should have to do something like work. Clean up bathrooms ,cleaning the floor. As long as there not just sitting on there butt and not doing anything.Having them in jail would stop them from causing even more trouble then they already caused.

2 points

I would want the prison system to change.I there are innocent people in jail for no reason what are you going to do? would you just say well than that's their fault they was at the at the seen of the crime so what do you expext.

3 points

don't want the American prison system to change because would you want criminals running around in the the street doing any thing that they want. if the didn't want to go to jail then they should have never did what they did.If there were more criminals on the steet than more people would get hurt. Would you want that to happen?

8 points

I say there are guilty because who shoot at crowd of innocent people. Also it was said that they got order to fire. Captain or not captain you don't shoot at people even though they threw sticks at you and snow balls

0 points

I'm sure that they would make sure that they work. Would you want to be safe

3 points

also it would be more safer,what if someone you trust had a weapon. What would you do if someone you trust had a weapon

6 points

I say yes because what if some brought a weapon to school, instead of not knowing and then when you do know you get threaten with it or even worse if you tell. But if we have metal detectors you won't have to worry about being in that problem.

5 points

would you like to get up in the morning at 6:00. No, no one would especially teachers they have to be at the school before the students.And any way who likes getting up really early, thats why some people fall asleep in class.

Winning Position: against

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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