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RSS KatlynBigley

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

i didn't know much about Hitler until we started learning about him and watching the movie, i knew he wasn't a good guy but i didn't know he killed a lot of people just because of their religion. Now that we started to get into the holocaust I'm excited to learn more about Hitler and the other things he has done. Even though he was a terrible guy, he was smart. He was able to get a strong army by his side and have them do what ever he said. Did he become popular by giving his speeches and saying how he felt about his country? because in school he wasn't popular growing up.

1 point

Why and how would Hitler know who were Jewish? Also if he was killing the right people randomly off the streets like shown in the movie how would he and his army know exactly who and what religion they believed in? A quote i found was " As a Christian i have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but i have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice." i believe this quote fit him in a way because Hitler is a fighter but for stupid reasons. He knows how to speak his mind and get his point cross which i learned from watching the movie. He is a intense speaker and makes good points but i think the people who were agents what he was saying should have fought more for what they believed in.

1 point

Hitler was the Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and guiding spirit, and led a lot of Germans. Why didn't people who believed different of Hitler do anything about it. in the movie it didn't really show how anything about that.

1 point

Hitler as a young adult grew up oppressed to the Jews, and when he applied to the art academy in France it was Jews who said he couldn't join. He blamed all of his problems on the Jews instead of taking responsibility to change them himself. This being after World War 1 and the German people were down, Hitler saw an opening for himself to assert himself in power. Basically, the people were feeling down and out and needed someone to look up to, and here comes along a knight in shinning armor telling you he will change everything and bring you back to how things once were, telling you its the Jews fault your country is being taken over by immigrants. And after being arrested i think that made him more bad so he wanted to ruin the coutry even more.

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