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RSS LeonWilliams

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hm, I see. Maybe we're talking about two different things in a sense. To me, voting for someone who considers themselves a Republican/Democrat/Right/Left/etc., and me calling myself those things are completely separate issues, and I think maybe that's we're going in two different directions (but perhaps you don't see it that way). Me personally, I pledge no allegiance to one team or another and I don't think anyone should (and that's basically my argument, and that's what I had understood the topic to be about -- not the parties of the people I vote for, but rather what I consider myself). I know what principles I stand for, and if someone comes along and also stands for those principles and I feel he deserves my vote, he'll get it. Even if he happened to make up his own party or be of no party, it makes no difference to me.

As a side issue, however, I would be curious to know what your definition of "American" is (as in, "Un-American" meaning "Someone or something that does not adhere to [insert your definition here]). I mean... this isn't about Trump one way or the other, but I'll use him as an example since you brought him up. He's a U.S. citizen... He's the U.S. President... He seems pretty American to me. Whether I agree with him on certain things is neither here nor there, but "American" he fits the bill just fine.

1 point

I'm just curious. What are your qualifications for "leaning" one way or another? Or what is reason enough for you to "leave" side?

Do you have to agree with everyone on a particular side in order to "join" them? If you disagree with even one person on a side, is that enough to "leave" that side? It seems like you're unnecessarily putting yourself in a difficult position. If you're waiting until you agree with everyone on a side, that's never going to happen, but I take it you do have a criteria of some kind, hence the "I would but I can't because Trump" mentality.

Oh yeah, that's another thing. How is it that you being independent is dependent on what Trump or someone else is doing?

If you're voted for a Republican in the past, it doesn't mean you have to swear by Trump or even like him. If you've voted for a Democrat, it doesn't mean you have to swear by Obama. And you can just correct anyone who says otherwise.

But anyway, I'm just wondering. Maybe you never thought about it or something.

2 points

If something makes sense to me, it makes sense to me. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. Why should it matter if this one particular issue is considered a "Right idea" or a "Left idea". Should that change my mind on whatever the issue is?

If someone is for banning guns, why should it just be expected of them to support abortion? What if someone supports socialism but opposes gay rights? The list goes on.

A lot of people like to think in terms of "Us" and "Them" and "Anyone who isn't one of us is the enemy" which is dangerously naive.

There's about as many unique combination of opinions as there are people involved, yet some act like there's only two. Just tackle each issue individually as you see it. There's no point in labeling something "Right" or "Left".

Same principles also applies when it comes to identity politics.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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