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RSS Livvy_Holt

Reward Points:3
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I really feel more towards the side where Africa should keep the artifacts, but I'm also supporting the other side too. It would make more sense if the artifacts stayed at Africa for many reasons like history, money, religion, but these artifacts do mean a lot to our ancient history and we would hate it if anything would happen to them like if they got stolen, vandalized, broken, then Europe could handle that better than Africa could. Also, if we tried to give Africa more money, it would still be a lot of work to make it a safer place. What do you think??

1 point

would it make sense for Europe to keep some and Africa to keep some????

1 point

I also agree with Madeleine because the Europeans did make the Africans their slaves for quite some time. They also made the artifacts

2 points

i'm kinda on both sides for these artifacts to stay wherever, who else is too? I mean, they both (Europe & Africa) have pros & cons to either side.

1 point

I think we should keep the artifacts in Europe because it is more safe there. It has more protection than Africa does because if something happened to the artifacts in Europe, then they could take charge and get them back quicker than Africa could. Africa does not have much protection for things like these artifacts. They would probably get stolen lost or vandalized quickly. This is why I think the artifacts should stay in Europe.

3 points

I think the people in Europe should move the African Artifacts to Africa, where they belong. I understand that Europe is probably more safe than Africa, but if they had more money, then it would be more safe, but they don't. Europe is making all this money on the museums and tourists coming to see them, but if the artifacts were moved to Africa, then they could make money off of them and become more safe for these prized treasures. Another debate is that these things were originally from (Africa). these things mean a lot to our ancient history of Africa and Europe. These artifacts weren't originally form Europe, they were from Africa.

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