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RSS LizAllard

Reward Points:2
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1 point

Hi Aliyah,

I do appreciate your argument as it makes sense that a flipped learning system is extremely effective when it is appropriately used and applied. Especially for those students that lose focus in the school setting. These students are able to go home and learn at their own pace. But what happens to the great number of students that do not go home to a computer, a cell phone with internet service, or that have other family obligations that are out of their control? Do you have to now spend time giving them direct instruction the following day on information that they should have already worked on their own? How do you deal with the students that now fear sharing their inability to get things done at home, that do not want to share the realities of not having access? I do believe that students are tech savvy, but they are tech savvy at school. Tech may not be available at home. Many of my students do not have a computer at home so i know about these harsh realities.


Nielson, L., The Innovative Educator, Five Reasons I'm not Flipping Over The Flipped Classroom. Retrieved from

2 points

Flipped learning takes the direct instruction out of the large group setting and delivers it individually via an online forum. In other words, flipped learning allows students to complete the direct instruction at home via a video, or some other online platform, and complete activities and discussions in class the following day. Although this theoretically seems like a great idea, and may work in the higher grades, I think it is extremely difficult with students in the middle grades that have difficulty completing homework regularly anyways. Specifically, many of my students have no access to technology, internet, or other medium at home, have to go home to take care of their siblings, or have to go to sports practice. In addition, my students have other socio-economic problems that hinders them from completing additional tasks at home. I agree with Lisa Nielsen, in her blog post The Innovative Educator, where she provides the reasons why flipped learning is not such a great idea. The reasons are: (1) we have yet to bridge the digital divide; (2) flipped homework is still homework; (3) more time for bad pedagogy; (4)grouping by date of manufacture; and (5) lecturing doesn't equal learning. (October 8, 2011). Although I believe that there should be videos, and online access to lectures where students can go to enhance their learning, I am not convinced that the flipped-learning strategy will work for my students.

Works cited:

Nielsen, L. Five Reasons I am Not Flipping Over the Flipped Classroom, October 8, 2011. Retrieved from. 10/five-reasons-im-not-flipping-over.html

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