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RSS Lrosale2

Reward Points:9
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hello Rachel,

I think you bring up a good point. In order for the benefits to outweigh the cost, individuals implementing a blended classroom must receive proper professional development. The beautiful part about this teaching strategy is that it's pretty new; therefore, as a teacher, we have the opportunity to develop learning communities and professional networks to help us contribute to best practices of a flipped classroom.

Ultimately, I believe teachers should always remain grounded in best practices and teaching is an iterative process. No student, no class, no year is ever exactly the same. If a teacher were to approach the implementation of a flipped classroom as an iterative process, then they might find themselves to be much more successful and the process to be much more rewarding. For example, one might choose to implement one flipped lesson. The teacher would administer a formative assessment to determine how effective the lesson was and if students needed a reteach and then they can make data-driven decisions.

Overall, I agree that teachers should have strong professional development on the implementation of flipped classrooms and a personal learning network; however, teachers should see themselves as contributors to research and best practices rather than bystanders awaiting proven results before implementing.

Lisa Rosales


Lrosale2(9) Clarified
1 point


You provided great support for a key issue in the implementation of flipped classrooms. I really appreciated that you pointed out that a flipped classroom is more than just a pre-recorded lecture. Overall, good points. Thanks for sharing!

Lisa Rosales


1 point

Hello Victoria,

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I believe you posed some really good points regarding student access to technology and the effect this access has on participating in a flipped class model. Based on your response it seems you would be open to the idea of a flipped classroom; however, your ability to participate in such a model is hindered by access to technology. This is a crucial issues which must be addressed, especially given the expanding benefits associated with a flipped classroom.

Students in Title I schools are often in greater need of increased differentiation and teacher-student time; therefore, a flipped classroom would arguably be more beneficial to this demographic. This would lead me to question how we could make technology available to this student demographic; whether that be through grants, petitions, etc.

Lisa Rosales


1 point

Lisa Rosales


I believe the flip classroom approach is highly beneficial if implemented correctly. Unlike a traditional classroom, the flipped classroom provides students with more in-class opportunity for one-on-one support, more opportunity for targeted differentiation, and optionality for students to work at their own pace (Educause, 2012). On the other hand, some educators complain about the time investment, lack of administrative, student, and parent support, and intellectual property issues. While many of these concerns are valid, I believe that with proper prep most concerns can be mitigated. Ultimately, students, especially English language learners (ESL), can benefit from a flipped classroom where they can engage with course content at their own pace and ask questions during class as needed. Additionally, flipped classrooms are known for increasing student collaboration which drastically helps ESL students synthesize and retain knowledge. Overall, flipped classrooms might require an additional time investment for teachers; however, it offers tremendous benefits for all students (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).


Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Why you should flip your classroom. In Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day (pp. 19–33). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved from

EDUCAUSE. (2012). Things you should know about… flipped classrooms. Retrieved from

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