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6 most recent arguments.
3 points

Lynden B. Johnson's war on poverty clearly isn't working and had limited short term success. Then people started to abuse the system and the poverty rates and gini coefficient (measurement of distribution of wealth) started to go up. Clinton since then has tried to reverse the effect on the poverty rate, however the gini coefficient has continued to rise. In 1929, at the eve of the depression, it was at .450- it had been lowered to .386 in the 60's and has slowly risen ever since. In 2006, we have had the highest coefficient reported- .470, since it has lowered to .463. With Obama taking office, expect that number to decrease.

Middle and lower class people are getting into trouble though, not able to make their payments due to the rich causing problems and getting out scott free (golden parachutes [i.e. National City president receiving 8 million for buyout- would have received 2 million for bailout, Enron, and other banks as well], political corruption [i.e. Fannie and Freddy, keating 5, ect...], companies making dumb decisions and wanting a bailout on the tax payers money [i.e. American car companies- still advertising torque power and trucks, producing SUV's, ect...], companies asking for more money after lavish expenses [i.e. AIG's two retreats] and with Bush's tax policies [cut taxes drastically for the rich; slightly for the poor]. There's people who are hardly able to put food on the table, while others are eating seafood and taking exotic vacations.

Explanation of the gini coefficient- It is a measurement of distribution of wealth. Most modern civilized capitalistic countries gini coefficient is between .25 and .50-furthermore, 1.00 is just one person receiving all the nations income. While 0 is perfect equality.

1 point

I don't think they really want to be called African Americans. I have several friends who are black and they all tell me they aren't African American, they are American. The term was created by someone in power. You know who holds the power in this country? White people, so I don't wanna hear should black people be allowed to call themselves that... when it's the white people in power that told themselves to call them that.

1 point

I have and it's not that great...

2 points

If you wanna know about how to party, it's not too far down the road from you in Athens, Ohio. Where the LeBomb James, Baseball (beer pong variation), and Cornhole (beer pong variation) was invented. Which was quoted by playboy when talking about Ohio University "It's not fair to compare amatuers with professionals". That's right, playboy called Ohio University students. The halloween in Athens doubles the student population at least. Furthermore, they have to close off the street and you can drink in the street. Also there's many fests there, most notably Palmerfest and Sixfest (this year). Sixfest, is where everyone buys tickets and drinks in a field. They are consistantly in the top ten year in and year out. Plus, there's tons of bars within 2 streets- go to everyone in one night and we call it the Court Street Shuffle. Do you honestly belive you guys can even compete?

This isn't even a contest.

2 points

I agree with everything you said except, the academics part. People study hard during the week and party hard on the weekends.

2 points

Yeah that might win the school with most people thrown in jail, but I don't consider that a party. If you wanna know about how to party, it's not too far down the road from you in Athens, Ohio. Which was quoted by playboy when talking about Ohio University "It's not fair to compare amatuers with professionals". That's right, playboy called Ohio University students. The halloween in Athens doubles the student population at least. Furthermore, they have to close off the street and you can drink in the street. Also there's many fests there, most notably Palmerfest and Sixfest (this year). They are consistantly in the top ten year in and year out. Plus, there's tons of bars within 2 streets- go to everyone in one night and we call it the Court Street Shuffle.

This isn't even a contest.

Winning Position: Yes, people are in trouble...

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